Troy Custom Detectors is no longer manufacturing metal detectors. As a tribute to Troy Galloway, Graphique Du Jour is
hosting a copy of his original website for his achievment in designing and bringing to market a the Shadow line of detectors,
with features and performance previously unmatched. Graphique Du Jour Home

Shadow Research Center

Consequences of Purchasing A Used Detector

First, no it is not unreal. An X5 should get at least the same depth as an XS if not better, if both units are working properly and operated correctly. I'm not sure if you purchased your X5 new or used, but if it was purchased used, especially from the Internet, then there is a very good chance it is not operating at full potential. The Internet is a good source to sell detectors after the detector has been opened up and had the internal adjustments experimented with by the previous owner or owners. There are numerous detectors that have been modified or experimented with, that are returned to the factory for repair. However, it is very seldom returned by the person who does the experimenting, rather it is the person who just purchased the used detector and is not happy with the performance or expected better performance. I have recently seen a photo of an X5 circuit board posted on the Internet with hand written notes guessing the function of each internal control. Some of the guesses were correct and some were not, but the main way people make these guesses is with a screwdriver. In fact, the guy who made the photo sent me an email and said he had already made "slight" adjustments to all the internal controls. He also purchased his X5 used from the Internet. There are eight internal controls on the X5 circuit board of which four are very critical adjustments and two require specific test equipment and or a special test fixture to calibrate correctly. Any mis-adjustment of these four controls will cause less than optimum performance.

Please contact me by email with the following information and I will try my best to help you. The S/N number of your X5, when, where and from whom you purchased your X5 and any strange operating symptoms you notice.


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