Troy Custom Detectors is no longer manufacturing metal detectors. As a tribute to Troy Galloway, Graphique Du Jour is
hosting a copy of his original website for his achievment in designing and bringing to market a the Shadow line of detectors,
with features and performance previously unmatched. Graphique Du Jour Home
By Kim Coblentz Troy's Shadow has scored again here in North Texas. While hunting late this afternoon, I found a beautiful 1880 Ten Dollar Gold Piece. What an incredible thrill it was, my hands were shaking so much that I could hardly hold the coin. It was found at a construction site where a parking lot was being removed in the middle of a small town. This kind of site has always been good to me, but not that good!! They had just finished scrapping off more of the dirt so I guess we could have walked right over it previously as the site was very junky. As for settings, disc was set at 3.5 to 4 and sens was set about 5.5. It was a very smooth signal about 3 to 4 inches deep. At first glimpse of the coin it was half buried in a clod of dirt and I thought it looked like one of those shiny tokens you get at Chuck E. Cheese's and I thought dangit!! I wish that was a coin. Once I broke open the clod, my hands starting shaking, I threw down my Shadow and ran to my hunting partner, David Duke, from the Lone Star Treasure Club. Things really started moving in slow motion from then on and I tried hunting again but just couldn't concentrate. What an incredibly fantastic thrill it was!! And I managed to get it out of that hard Texas gumbo soil without a scratch on it!! Good luck finding yours. I have found mine. | |