Ephemera: The short definition.
1 : something of no lasting significance —usually used in plural
2 : ephemera plural : paper items (such as posters, broadsides, and tickets) that were originally meant to be discarded after use but have since become collectibles
A full explanation / definition on The Ephemera Society of America.
Before the rise of the internet we used ephemera collector publications and catalogs for buying and selling like the Paper Collectors Marketplace, PAC Paper and Advertising Collector, Paper Pile Quarterly, Post Card Collector and Rick's Movie Graphics to name a few. These publications are now a thing of the past and have become themselves, collectible ephemera.
ILLUSTRATION MAGAZINE is a beautiful, educational, and scholarly magazine devoted to the history of American illustration art. First launched in October 2001, we have profiled well over 100 artists in over 55 issues. Printed in full color, each issue features the highest quality printing, photography and color reproductions of original illustration art available anywhere. Back Issues Available.

Marcia Jackson has kept the website along with Illustrator E-books available on both Amazon & Etsy.
TICN Website & TICN on Etsy
Note, links to outside websites open in a new tab so you don't lose your place on Grahique Du Jour
Main Topics:
I buy antique paper collections. Books, maps, magazine bound volumes, engravings, photogravures, photos, documents, postcards, labels catalogs & more.
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Gradual loss of archives and collections of materials, photographs, artifacts, books and ephemera
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The Ephemera Society of America
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APEX Antique Paper & Ephemera Exchange defunct 2023 |